I am delighted to announce the publication of my (edited) volume, Judaism and the Economy: A Sourcebook. Here's the publisher's description: Judaism and the Economy is an edited collection of sixty-nine Jewish texts relating to economic issues … [Continue reading] about Judaism and the Economy: A Sourcebook
Review of “Jew,” by Cynthia Baker.
I recently published a review essay of Cynthia Baker's fine book, Jew. It was originally published in Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History 13 (August, 2018), and is reproduced below. I recently tried an experiment with my undergraduate … [Continue reading] about Review of “Jew,” by Cynthia Baker.
“Office Hours”
In his recent opinion essay in the New York Times, "How to Get the Most Out of College," Frank Bruni advised college students to visit their professors. He wrote: But perhaps the most important relationships to invest in are those with … [Continue reading] about “Office Hours”
That Time of Year: My Mishnah Syllabus
This semester I will be teaching a graduate-level course on "Mishnah and Tosefta." I have taught versions of this course before (and have posted them) but have made a few changes. Should anyone be interested, I am posting the revised syllabus here. … [Continue reading] about That Time of Year: My Mishnah Syllabus
Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity: Taking Stock
I am just emerging from a colloquium that earlier this week I co-organized with Ishay Rosen-Zvi on "Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity." As such things go, it was a bit unusual: we focused on five "meta" issues (state of the academic field; … [Continue reading] about Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity: Taking Stock