In the last post I discussed the benefits of a search committee or (better) entire academic unit determining, in advance and as specifically as possible, the criteria that will be used in the process of an academic job search. Here, using for … [Continue reading] about Hiring for an Academic Job (2): Data
Hiring for an Academic Job (1): Criteria
Ever since reading Daniel Kahneman's great book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, I have been intrigued by the issue of how the ideas about hiring and predicting success that he discusses might apply to the academic job market (I wrote some initial thoughts … [Continue reading] about Hiring for an Academic Job (1): Criteria
Review: Catholic News Agency
I just saw that a review of How the Bible Became Holy was released by the Catholic News Service. From there it has been (or will be) published in a number of Catholic publications. It can be accessed here. … [Continue reading] about Review: Catholic News Agency
Review of The Study of Judaism
My review of Aaron Hughes, The Study of Judaism, has recently been posted. You can access it here. … [Continue reading] about Review of The Study of Judaism
Jewish Time in Early Nineteenth Century America
A new article of mine just appeared in the American Jewish Archives Journal. Abstract: Jewish Time in Early-Nineteenth-Century America: 1–29 In 1806, a clerk in Newport, Rhode Island, by the name of Moses Lopez published the first … [Continue reading] about Jewish Time in Early Nineteenth Century America