I recently wrote a reaction to two essays on the contemporary state of "rabbinics" for The Talmud Blog that can be found here. Below is a copy, although I urge readers to carry on any discussion at The Talmud Blog. In our line of work, the word … [Continue reading] about Rabbinics Must Die
On Buying a Sukkah in Israel
The last time I bought a sukkah in the U.S., I went online, selected my model, and clicked the button. UPS brought it the next week. It was a snap-together model, and while not very difficult to figure out how to put together, the … [Continue reading] about On Buying a Sukkah in Israel
On the “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife,” and a Word to Prospective Forgers
The new “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” fragment has captured the imagination of scholars and the news media alike. How weird. For those of you who are gainfully employed and have a rich enough life that you have not wasted your time following this … [Continue reading] about On the “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife,” and a Word to Prospective Forgers
Did You Need a Ticket for Kol Nidre in Ancient Alexandria?
A tidbit from the ancient Jewish philosopher Philo (Special Laws 1.186-187): (186) On the tenth day the fast takes place which they take seriously--not only those who are zealous about piety and holiness, but even those who do nothing religious the … [Continue reading] about Did You Need a Ticket for Kol Nidre in Ancient Alexandria?
Biblical Books in the Bavli (Continued)
I received several excellent comments to the last post. I do not have the data to respond to most of them; to assemble just the data – which often requires expert judgment on each of the over 13,000 instances in the dataset – would be a worthy … [Continue reading] about Biblical Books in the Bavli (Continued)