I am presently reading Daniel Kahneman's engaging book, Thinking, Fast and Slow. Kahneman, who won a Nobel Prize in Economics (!) for his collaborative work with Amos Tversky that helped to develop the field of behavioral economics, gained notice … [Continue reading] about Music for Learning
Judah or Joseph? The Riddle of Jacob’s Testament
I have been struggling recently with the biblical account of Jacob’s last testament to his sons and their descendents, found in Genesis 49:1-27. I am hardly the first. As many commentators have already noted, this is one of the most … [Continue reading] about Judah or Joseph? The Riddle of Jacob’s Testament
Serving God
This last summer, with the help of the Instructional Technology Group at Brown University, I interviewed several clergy members from around Providence, RI. The primary purpose of these interviews was to create video footage that I could clip and use … [Continue reading] about Serving God
Workshop Announcement
The program for the "Ancient Religion, Modern Technology" workshop is now posted. Please join us! http://tinyurl.com/3jpeun9 … [Continue reading] about Workshop Announcement
The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit: An Unsolicited Opinion
I recently had the opportunity to to see the Dead Sea scrolls exhibit at the Discovery Center in New York. The exhibit is being advertised heavily (it seemed like there was a poster on every other block in Manhattan) and has been extensively … [Continue reading] about The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit: An Unsolicited Opinion