Over the years I have created, published, or otherwise attempted to disseminate various things. Here are a few items that I thought might be of interest.
The college admissions system is, uh, not optimal. Here’s a (admittedly radical) recommendation to make the process fairer and more honest.
“The Skinny on Recommendation Letters“
How I use recommendation letters when I evaluate graduate student applications or tenure and promotion files.
From Israelite to Jew: A Podcast
This is a series of twenty-two, approximately 30 minute lectures that covers Jewish history from 520 BCE to 70 CE.
Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine
This is an ongoing online project that seeks to collect and make accessible ancient inscriptions from Israel and Palestine. The project is meant both to aid scholars and to make these inscriptions – which provide a unique window into the lives of ordinary people in the area of several different religious traditions – more accessible to the general public.
Teaching with Technology: Using Concept Mapping to Teach the Talmud
A five-minute interview in which I explain how I use concept mapping software (CMap) to teach the Talmud at Brown.
An interview with me, in Hebrew, about the development of Jewish identity.
“The Pope, the Jews, and the Vatican Museums,” The Jewish Daily Forward, April 18, 2011.
The Vatican Museums does not seem to reflect current Catholic teaching on the relationship between the Church and Judaism.